2021 - The Year of The Metal Ox

At the beginning of each year and just for a bit of fun I enjoy stepping into the world of Chinese Astrology and sometimes Numerology. Generally, I don't give it a great deal of thought during the rest of the year. This year I have, as there seems to be a particular relevance.

Year of the Metal Ox.png

In February, I contacted a local Feng Shui practitioner to see if he could assist with the sale of a property that had been on the market for more than 12 months with little interest and no offers. Very basically Feng Shui is about assessing and enhancing the flow of energy, often applied to architecture and land.

While at the property he brought out his very complicated looking Feng Shui wheel and placed it on the ground in the centre of the house. He said lots of interesting things and made suggestions of “cures” that would improve the Feng Shui, and therefore perhaps improve the sale-ability.

One thing he said stood out for me. He said this is the year of the Metal Ox, so we will see an increased number of lung and skin problems. Last year was the year of the Metal Rat, so that began the vulnerability of these organs. 

Chinese Five Element Theory – or Wu Xing – is a philosophy used to describe the relationship and interdependence between all things and is used in Feng Shui and Chinese medicine as well as many other practises.

The five elements are: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In the human body we have tracks of energy flow called meridians, and these are grouped in the elements.

For background reference, in my world of chiropractic, being a Professional Applied Kinesiologist and NeuroEmotional Technique Practitioner, we draw upon information gained in Chinese medicine that has been developed over the past 4000 years and so I am familiar with aspects of the Five Elements as it relates to my work.

Certainly, in the last months in practise I have seen many people with viral and bacterial respiratory infections and consequent ongoing cough. For the record none have tested positive for Covid-19. There seems to be an increased number of skin complaints as well.

What does the Metal element relate to?

As mentioned, the organs that are related are the lungs and the skin. Another metal organ relationship is the large intestine.

For over 1500 years Five Element Theory has clinically validated the link between specific emotions to specific meridians. For the metal element the most common emotions are grief and holding an inflexible opinion or feeling stuck. The “positive” emotion is bravery. The overall theme is of controlling and holding on and of letting go. 

There are some other metal characteristics:

- these will be protective: the colour white, anything metal

- this will be aggravating: prolonged lying down, arid environment

- these tastes are favourable: pungent (eg spicy, chilli), umami (savoury, eg broths, meat, mushrooms)

Ideas to navigate this Year of the Metal Ox

Optimising your way through these metal years will be about making choices that bring harmony within the metal element. I've gathered some (non-clinical) ideas that are easy to implement.

How do you look after lungs, skin and large intestine? I like to start with the essentials in order of importance: breath, water and food. Then movement.

At the time of the dreadful Australian fires and heavy smoke in the air at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 I posted “Looking after your lungs” on Facebook. This is still relevant and I've included it again here.

Looking after your lungs.png

Here are some more ideas:

- wear white clothing

- sleep on white sheets

- let your hair go white/silver and wear metal braces on your teeth (those who have seen me recently may have a giggle here, but I swear my timing to stop dying my hair and let my natural silver hair colour come through, and to have my teeth aligned was not intentional on this and last year being metal years!)

- wear metal jewellery

- (not sure if it's the right time to get piercings or tattoos that will interfere with the skin???)

- make or purchase a metal ornament or sculpture that gives you pleasure and place that somewhere in your space

- start a coin collection

- learn/play a metal instrument

- look at what you are putting on your skin and ask yourself “it is toxic” and “is there is a better choice available?” – fake tans, skin products, perfumes, underarm deodorants – many are highly toxic

- time to have your skin checked for skin cancers. You know you can't see your back yourself, no matter how much yoga you do!

- during your walk in the fresh outdoors take a moment to fill your lungs more fully and visualise the air coming in as brilliantly golden

- due to the background global pandemic and all the things that are out of our control, everything that we have lost or are losing, placing our attention on what we do have and finding that place of acceptance of what is (this is very different to resignation, by the way) will be a wise practise. I can recommend journalling

- lift your sternum a little in a motion of bravery

- be brave and try something new

- place a photo of someone you love in a metal frame that will make you smile and bring joy to your heart whenever you look at it

- what attitudes, believes, thought patterns, expectations can you let go of. You know, the ones that no longer serve you.

There would be endless ideas and I would love to hear of yours.

Are you interested to hear what happened to the property? Within one week after the placement of the Feng Shui “cures” we had interest in the property, and then later a sale! 

Thank you for reading all the way to the end! I hope this has been helpful and perhaps useful for you. Fiona xx