About Fiona

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Hmmm, who am I and what am I about?


Well, if I summed it up into just one word, I would say I’m an explorer. 

I love to learn. I’m curious about my inner world and the world around me.

I loved Nia right from the get go. It touched my ‘fun’ bone. Get fit while you’re having fun. Yes! I hold a belief that if you don’t like to exercise, you haven’t yet found the right one for you, and there is a perfect match for everyone.

Nia provides such diversity and depth that it continues to maintain my attention and offer growth in all the realms - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. No chance of ever getting bored! I suspect I’ll be moving to Nia in my 80s.

It’s just too good not to share!!! And I want all of this for you! That’s why I teach. I hope I get a chance to move with you in class.

with love and joy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fiona                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Certified Black Belt and Nia 5 Stages teacher